Monday, November 9, 2009

I would like to live someone else's life today. Not trade mine away, just live a different one for today (or maybe a few). It hasn't been the worst day ever. I just woke up feeling like I wanted to get ready for work, and go to a job. Put in my eight hours. Meet some friends for dinner. No responsibilities, no one to take care of, no laundry and kids and husband waiting at home. (see, even when a mommy escapes for a bit there is always stuff waiting for her at home- baths to give, dinner to come up with, markers all over the sheets on the guest bed....)
If you were a fly on a wall in my house this morning you would probably say to me that I sound a lot like the fit Brooklyn threw. Sometimes I let her pick her own clothes and sometimes it's mommy's day to pick. Today I picked out one of her new dresses.( I just bought it a few weeks ago, she has only worn it a couple times) Pink with butterflies, very cute, but she didn't want to wear it. She wanted "new dresses!" I told her that she was having an ungrateful heart. That lots of little girls have no pretty dresses to wear at all, that she needed to put on the dress and change her attitude immediately (she was hiding under her bed, crying).
I am not blind to the irony here. There are millions of people that would give anythng for my life. Loving husband, 3 beautiful, healthy, precious children, house, car, stability. I AM thankful for my life. I would never trade working out of the home for being with my kids. I have a GREAT life. Nonetheless, I still feel the same, today. No need to panic- I'm not in the depths of despair. But I don't think it is necessary to feel fulfilled and sastified in my life every day, at every moment. What I think is more important is making the right choices. To choose to be loving and engaged, regardless of how I feel. To thank God for my family and His calling on my life. and maybe tommorow I won't feel the same.
Not the prettiest and most inspiring post, but it's honest!


  1. That's exactly how I felt today. Only instead of "wife and mom of three" it was "getting paid to study French in Paris." Anyone not here would look and say "How can you be anything but thrilled??" But when you're the one living the ups and downs and having to carry on despite the fatigue or frustrations and you just don't feel like fighting with the four-year-old (in my case the entire French language), rather, you'd prefer to join her her under the bed for your own tantrum!
    So anyway, yeah, while the view around us looks different . . . I totally get where you're coming from. Hang in there! Praying for you!

  2. awww...getting dressed....going to the office...meeting friends for dinner...that's the stuff dreams are made of :)

  3. Honest is good...and I think a little "ugh" syndrome is perfectly normal once in a while. Thanks for sharing! =)

  4. Hmm...I was kind of thinking I wouldn't mind being Kim Kardashian for awhile. ;)-

  5. Yeah well, people in hell want ice water. JK
    I think its valid to have those feelings no matter what your state is. Comparing yourself to other people is not the measuring stick. I do not believe it is helpful to suppress feelings under the guise of someone else being worse off.
