Friday, April 15, 2011

Insanity: Day 5

Day 5-Pure Cardio, aka Pure Punishment

It was hard. My lungs didn't burn as bad as they did on day 1, so that means something. Mike was home, during this workout. He said is was hard for him to hear me like that. I was making some painful grunting noises, probably pretty similair to the ones that I've made while birthing a baby, (I'm not exaggerating here) during those last couple sets of suicide jumps, push-up jacks, and sprints.

I'm not a quitter. One time during a bootcamp, I was praying(for real, asking God) that I would pass out, so that the wind sprints would stop and they would call the paramedics and firemen would come take care of me....(ooops, did I just say that out loud) ;)

I digress. During Insanity thus far, I keep going until it is no longer physically possible and I collapse, then I get back up and get right back into it. But once I've finished the workout and I'm drinking my protein, I always analyze myself in my head and start to feel like I didn't work hard enough, that I could have done better. Hmmmm, I wonder that's all about.

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